Our address is
7 Bluett road
Ohope, New Zealand, 3121
Phone 07 3125008
Bistro open:
Monday-Sunday from 2pm
Our Committee
The Club Committee is Governed by our Club Constitution Click Here to View.
The Policy and Procedure on Children in the Club has been reviewed and Adopted by the Committee.
Click Here for a copy of the Policy.
The Ohope Chartered Club is a duly incorporated not for profit incorporated society. The Club is governed by an elected committee of Full Financial members under the auspices of a registered club constitution with daily management vested in the club General Manager/Secretary.
The full committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting held in May of each year and consists of the following positions.
PRESIDENT: Terry Becroft
Linda Sowerby
Charn Murphy
Leann Cox
Verna Porter
The full committee meet once per month, to accept the financials as recommended by the finance committee and other club and member related administration. Reports are made on welfare, club adjuncts, correspondence, management, membership and general business. Members are invited to make submissions to the committee in writing to be addressed at these meetings.
The Gaming Grants and Administration Committee usually consists of three or more of the Executive Committee which are registered as key persons in the administration of Gaming proceeds in accordance with our Class 4 Gaming License. This committee again accepts and approves income and expense reports submitted by management in relation to the running of the Gaming operation and also considers payment of Grants and Authorised Payments again in accordance with our statement of Authorised Purpose.
Applications for Grants can be applied for by using the form for this purpose (Click Here for Form).
Proceeds from Gaming are distributed in accordance with our Authorised Purpose Statement and are used to provide facilities, activities, sports events and adjunct assistance to the club membership as our primary goal however from time to time the club makes grants to other local not for profit organisations and individuals pursuing activity that benefit the community. The club also provides meeting rooms and facilities to other organisations and clubs within the community that do not have their own.
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Drone image by David Marshall